Abandon Your Building! Also: Poutine!

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Hello, wonderful MississaugaLife readers! I’d like to tell you about a great event that happened at Celebration Square today: Abandon Your Building. It was a battle of the bands featuring office workers from downtown Mississauga; that is, musically inclined employees from participating office buildings got together and formed their own bands, which, as far as this writer is concerned, is a super-cool idea. Who needs TPS reports when you’ve got a Marshall stack?

To go along with these aural treats were treats of the gastronomic variety: the Smoke’s Poutinerie food truck! I’ve been loving food trucks lately and I get very excited when one comes around these parts, to both the delight and chagrin of my belly. But… poutine! Isn’t it my duty as a Canadian to consume poutine whenever possible? Yeah… that’s how I’ll justify it.

Anyway, the food was spectacular. My big beef with poutine is when the fries go soggy—it’s just gross. But if they stand up to the gravy and stay crispy-ish, we’re gonna be pals. Smoke’s delivers on all counts: the cheese curds were squeaky, the gravy was rich, and I had it with double-smoked bacon, crispy and thick, because who needs to live, right?

And the bands were rockin’, too, from what little I was able to hear. They only got 10-minute sets, so I found it a bit little difficult to get a feel for them. I did hear some great harmonies, though. We’ve got a lot of talent in this city. Live music and great food? Not a bad way to spend your lunch hour, eh?

So here are some photos, and you can see a lineup of the bands here. Hey, maybe next year you’ll see a MississaugaLife band!

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Check out that lineup!

Check out that lineup!

Mmm... bacon poutine. I can feel it in my che-- >urk<

Mmm… bacon poutine. I can feel it in my che—  >urk<

Traditional poutine.

Traditional poutine

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(Originally posted on mississaugalife.ca.)

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